General Options

Directions APIGenerates a route connecting provided coordinates, allowing for up to 25 coordinates in a single request. The route follows the sequence of input coordinates to create the path.
Optimize APIGenerates the most optimized route for a set of coordinates, without considering the order of the input coordinates.
Matrix APIComputes duration of the fastest route between all pairs of supplied coordinates
Map Matching APINormalize GPS points by snapping them to roads
Nearest APISnaps a coordinate to the street network and returns the nearest matches.



Routing API Syntax

All Routing HTTP requests use a common structure. The following syntax applies to all services, except as noted.

Request Format

Requests can be sent to any of the following endpoints

Region 1: US{service}/{profile}/{coordinates}?key=<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>&option=value&option=value

Region 2: Europe{service}/{profile}/{coordinates}?key=<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>&option=value&option=value



Coordinate Order

When using our Routing APIs, the order of coordinates should be entered as longitude,latitude instead of the typical latitude,longitude format.

serviceOne of the following values: directions, matching, matrix, nearest, optimize
profileMode of transportation. Only driving is supported at the moment.
coordinatesString of format {longitude},{latitude};{longitude},{latitude}[;{longitude},{latitude} ...] or polyline({polyline}) or polyline6({polyline6}). You can send up to a maximum of 25 coordinate pairs per request (except Nearest API where coordinates only supports a single {longitude},{latitude} entry). This limit can be increased on certain plans.
keyYour public access token

Passing any option=value is optional. polyline follows Google's polyline format with precision 5 by default and can be generated using this package.


List of all input parameters available on the API Reference page

Request options

bearings{bearing};{bearing}[;{bearing} ...]Limits the search to segments with given bearing in degrees towards true north in clockwise direction.
radiuses{radius};{radius}[;{radius} ...]Limits the search to given radius in meters.
generate_hintstrue (default), falseAdds a Hint to the response which can be used in subsequent requests, see hints parameter.
hints{hint};{hint}[;{hint} ...]Hint from previous request to derive position in street network.
approaches{approach};{approach}[;{approach} ...]Keep waypoints on curb side.
exclude{class}[,{class}]Additive list of classes to avoid, order does not matter. E.g. exclude=ferry,toll or exclude=motorway

Where the elements follow the following format:

bearing{value},{range} integer 0 .. 360,integer 0 .. 180
radiusdouble >= 0 or unlimited (default)
hintBase64 string
approachcurb or unrestricted (default)
classA class name determined by the profile or none.
{option}{element};{element}[;{element} ... ]

Example: 2nd location use the default value for option:


The number of elements must match exactly the number of locations (except for generate_hints and exclude). If you don't want to pass a value but instead use the default you can pass an empty element.


Response Codes

Every response object has a code property containing one of the strings below or a service dependent code:

TypeHTTP Response CodeDescription
Ok200Request could be processed as expected.
InvalidUrl400URL string is invalid.
InvalidService400Service name is invalid.
InvalidOptions400Options are invalid.
InvalidQuery400The query string is syntactically malformed.
InvalidValue400The successfully parsed query parameters are invalid.
NoSegment404One of the supplied input coordinates could not snap to street segment.
TooBig400The request size violates one of the service specific request size restrictions.
NoMatch404No matchings found.

Response Objects


List of all output parameters & Objects available on the API Reference page

Route objectRepresents a route through (potentially multiple) waypoints.
RouteLeg objectRepresents a route between two waypoints
Annotation objectAnnotation of the whole route leg with fine-grained information about each segment or node id.
RouteStep objectA step consists of a maneuver such as a turn or merge, followed by a distance of travel along a single way to the subsequent step.
StepManeuver objectDetails about a specific maneuver or action that a user should take at a particular step along the route.
Lane objectA Lane represents a turn lane at the corresponding turn location.
Intersection objectAn intersection gives a full representation of any cross-way the path passes bay. For every step, the very first intersection (intersections[0]) corresponds to the location of the StepManeuver. Further intersections are listed for every cross-way until the next turn instruction.
Waypoint objectObject used to describe waypoint on a route.

Route object

Represents a route through (potentially multiple) waypoints.

Route object example with three input coordinates, geometry=geojson, steps=false:

  "distance": 90.0,
  "duration": 300.0,
  "weight": 300.0,
  "weight_name": "duration",
  "geometry": {"type": "LineString", "coordinates": [[120.0, 10.0], [120.1, 10.0], [120.2, 10.0], [120.3, 10.0]]},
  "legs": [
      "distance": 30.0,
      "duration": 100.0,
      "steps": []
      "distance": 60.0,
      "duration": 200.0,
      "steps": []

RouteLeg object

Represents a route between two waypoints.

RouteLeg object example with steps=false and annotations=true:

  "distance": 30.0,
  "duration": 100.0,
  "weight": 100.0,
  "steps": [],
  "annotation": {
    "distance": [5,5,10,5,5],
    "duration": [15,15,40,15,15],
    "datasources": [1,0,0,0,1],
    "metadata": { "datasource_names": ["traffic","lua profile","lua profile","lua profile","traffic"] },
    "nodes": [49772551,49772552,49786799,49786800,49786801,49786802],
    "speed": [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3]

Annotation object

Annotation of the whole route leg with fine-grained information about each segment or node id.

  "distance": [5,5,10,5,5],
  "duration": [15,15,40,15,15],
  "datasources": [1,0,0,0,1],
  "metadata": { "datasource_names": ["traffic","lua profile","lua profile","lua profile","traffic"] },
  "nodes": [49772551,49772552,49786799,49786800,49786801,49786802],
  "weight": [15,15,40,15,15]

RouteStep object

A step consists of a maneuver such as a turn or merge, followed by a distance of travel along a single way to the subsequent step.

   "geometry" : "{lu_IypwpAVrAvAdI",
   "mode" : "driving",
   "duration" : 15.6,
   "weight" : 15.6,
   "intersections" : [
      {  "bearings" : [ 10, 92, 184, 270 ],
         "lanes" : [
            { "indications" : [ "left", "straight" ],
               "valid" : "false" },
            { "valid" : "true",
               "indications" : [ "right" ] }
         "out" : 2,
         "in" : 3,
         "entry" : [ "true", "true", "true", "false" ],
         "location" : [ 13.39677, 52.54366 ]
      {  "out" : 1,
         "lanes" : [
            { "indications" : [ "straight" ],
               "valid" : "true" },
            { "indications" : [ "right" ],
               "valid" : "false" }
         "bearings" : [ 60, 240, 330 ],
         "in" : 0,
         "entry" : [ "false", "true", "true" ],
         "location" : [ 13.394718, 52.543096 ]
   "name" : "Lortzingstraße",
   "distance" : 152.3,
   "maneuver" : {
      "modifier" : "right",
      "type" : "turn"

StepManeuver object

Details about a specific maneuver or action that a user should take at a particular step along the route.

  "location": [-73.985726, 40.748817],
  "instruction": "Turn left onto Main Street",
  "type": "turn",
  "modifier": "left",
  "exit": null

Lane object

A Lane represents a turn lane at the corresponding turn location.

    "indications": ["left", "straight"],
    "valid": "false"

Intersection object

An intersection gives a full representation of any cross-way the path passes bay. For every step, the very first intersection (intersections[0]) corresponds to the location of the StepManeuver. Further intersections are listed for every cross-way until the next turn instruction.

    "classes": ["toll", "restricted"],
        "indications": ["left", "straight"],
        "valid": "false"

Waypoint object

Object used to describe waypoint on a route.

   "distance" : 4.152629,
   "name" : "Friedrichstraße",
   "location" : [


Authentication Errors

Authentication error messages are listed in the errors section.