Postman Collection

We recommend using REST clients like Postman to test our APIs. Follow the steps below to get started with our APIs using Postman.

  1. Load Collection

    1. Download the LocationIQ Collection. Our Postman collection is designed to offer a streamlined experience with the LocationIQ API, allowing you to test and experiment with various endpoints effortlessly.
    2. Open Postman and click Import and choose the LocationIQ Collection file that was downloaded from the link above.
  1. Load Environment

    1. Download the environment file depending on the endpoint you want to use.

      1. EU endpoint Environment File
      2. US endpoint Environment File
    2. Now click on settings icon from the Postman app and click Manage Environments .

   iii. Click on Import

  iv. Import the json file that was provided.

  v. To add the API key to the environment, click Manage Environments

 vi. Click on the Environment name and replace "Enter your access token here" with your Access token.

 vii. In the Manage Environments window, click Update to save.

You are now ready to make requests to our API using Postman!