When the API encounters any errors it responds the following error messages in the body and corresponding HTTP codes in the header:
Error message | HTTP Response code | Description |
Invalid Request | 400 | Required parameters are missing, or invalid |
Invalid key | 401 | An invalid Access Token was provided |
Key not active - Please write to [email protected] | 401 | The Access Token provided is invalid or inactive |
Service not enabled | 403 | The specific service is not enabled on your token. Write to [email protected] to enable this. |
Access restricted | 403 | The request has been made from an unauthorized domain or IP address. |
Unable to geocode | 404 | No location or places were found for the given input |
Imagery not found | 404 | No style or tile available for the specified url |
Rate Limited Second | 429 | Request exceeded the per-second rate-limits set on your account |
Rate Limited Minute | 429 | Request exceeded the per-minute rate-limits set on your account |
Rate Limited Day | 429 | Request exceeded the per-day rate-limits set on your account |
Unknown error - Please try again after some time | 500 | This is an error on the server's side, we monitor this 24x7 and you should try again. |
Updated 3 days ago